
13 Tips to Support a Loved One with an Addiction

13 Tips to Support a Loved One with an Addiction

Do you have a loved one – your partner, a friend, or family member – with an addiction? Addiction affects everyone in their lives, and it’s important to know how to support them, things to avoid, and how to take care of yourself at the same time. While you can’t…

How to Set Boundaries with Your Parents

How to Set Boundaries with Your Parents

As independent adults, it’s common to fall into old patterns when it comes to your relationship with your parents. At times, it can feel like we can’t have a conversation about the relationship or shape it into something different and better. But you aren’t stuck (even if it feels like…

How to Find Inner Peace During the Holidays

How to Find Inner Peace During the Holidays

During the holidays, it’s easy to get caught up in the superficial aspects of the season, such as gift giving and decorating. It’s important to focus on what feels good and what’s right for you and your family. Keep reading for some tips on how to find inner peace during…

When Caring for Others Becomes Unhealthy

When Caring for Others Becomes Unhealthy

It’s common for people to put everyone else’s needs before their own. We’re raised in a society where the M.O. is being nurturers, caring for others, and putting your own needs aside. And this is especially the case for women. Being selfless is a great quality, but there also has…

12 Tips to Establish and Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance

12 Tips to Establish and Maintain a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Most of us have heard that it is important to have a healthy work-life balance – making sure you do what you need to do to get your work done, but still leave enough time (and energy) for your friends, family, and self.  Sometimes finding that balance is easier said…