
Dealing with Despair and Discouragement

Dealing with Despair and Discouragement

When things don’t go as you expected or the way you wanted it to go, it can lead to feelings of anxiety, discouragement, and despair. Maybe you didn’t get the job you wanted, a relationship didn’t work out, or other plans or hopes fell through. In order to overcome despair,…

Overcoming Loneliness in Your 30s and 40s

Overcoming Loneliness in Your 30s and 40s

When you are single in your 20s, you’re among peers who live similar lifestyles. But as you move on into your 30s and 40s, it can start to feel isolating when you are still single and your friends get married and start to have families. When this happens, it can…

9 Tips to Manage Anxiety Around Aging

9 Tips to Manage Anxiety Around Aging

Whether we like it or not, we’re always getting older. If you are entering your mid-life phase or retirement stage of life, it can come with additional concerns, like physical and mental decline. These shifts in our minds and bodies can lead to anxiety, so it’s important that we learn…

Changing Our Relationship with Anxiety

Changing Our Relationship with Anxiety

Everyone has experienced anxiety at some point in their lives – with a job interview, starting a new job or losing a job, taking a test, going through a divorce, awaiting an approaching hurricane, or even paying your monthly bills. It’s normal to feel anxious during these times and it…

5 Tips to Feel Calm When You Feel Overwhelmed

5 Tips to Feel Calm When You Feel Overwhelmed

We all have so much going on in our busy lives, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. The news, unexpected life events, and just regular life can sometimes feel like too much to handle. If you are feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, here are some tips to help you feel calm…